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“Opening in the North Okanagan May 2022”
Course & Paypal

RATES AND FEES AS OF August 19th, 2023

 Following prices are for one student in vehicle and include taxes.

Before buying online please read all Policies. Use of our car for the Road Test is at the discretion of Bob's Driving School , we must feel that you are ready to go solo.  If you are wanting to use our vehicle for the Road Test we require you to take at least 3.5 hours of instruction as it takes at least that amount of time to prepare you for the test. The last hour of a package can be used for using our car for the road test. 

" At Bob's Driving School we don't just teach you the test route, we teach you how to drive " 

After buying through PayPal please contact us to make arrangements as we will not contact you incase the lessons are for a gift. Thank you.

Etransfer can be sent to Bob Millership using email bmship@icloud.com


$95.00..........per 1 hour 


$170.00..........1 Hour Warm-Up and use of vehicle for drivers test  to use our vehicle for the Road Test we require you to take at least 3.5 hours of instruction and you must be ready for the test in order to use our vehicle for road test!! 

$510.00..........6-1 hour in car lessons.

$680.00..........8-1 hour in car lessons.



$850.00..........10-1hour in car lessons.

$990.00……..12-1hour in car lessons.





Defensive Driving Course

$475.00.........5 Hours Instruction



Winter Driving Course / Skid Prevention 

$285.00.............   3 Hrs In-car


$90.00 .........charge for less than 24 hours notice given on canceled lessons or no shows......

$50.00 charge for NSF Cheques.




Please Call For Details.




If a client signs up for a course and they cannot for some reason complete the course, they will be refunded full amount minus the portion of the course in which they have received instruction. Hourly rate would be charged for those hours received as well minus a $50.00 administration fee.  If a seat had been saved and or used for GLP Classroom the client would be responsible for a $200 charge per course. Gift certificates are good for one full year from purchase date. Sorry there is no refund on Gift Certificates. Any services purchased through PayPal will be treated as a Gift Certificate.